Fraternal greeting from Workers’ Party (Tunisia) to APL 5th Congress

The following is a comradely greeting sent from the Workers’ Party (Tunisia) to the American Party of Labor on behalf of the party’s Fifth Congress.

Dear comrades delegates to the 5th congress of the sister party APL,

Dear comrades, representatives of the fraternal Marxist-Leninist parties, revolutionary parties, democratic and anti-imperialist parties and organizations present here.


On behalf of the Central Committee of the Tunisian Workers’ Party and all its activists, we address you to express all our sympathy and solidarity with the sister party APL on the occasion of the holding of its 5th congress. This party, which for years has dared to raise the standard of Marxism-Leninism, of the cause of the proletariat, of revolution, socialism and proletarian internationalism at the very center of the world imperialist capitalist system.


This congress comes at a time when the crisis of the capitalist system is deepening, a crisis whose repercussions are being felt particularly by the working class and the people.

This congress also comes at a time when inter-imperialist conflicts are sharpening, multiplying the centers of tension and local wars, as is the case in the genocidal war waged for six months by the Zionist entity against the Palestinian people with the unconditional support of American imperialism, so that the danger of war on a global scale is no longer a simple threat.

Under these conditions, our duty as revolutionaries in general and as communists in particular is to develop the popular counter-offensive to fight against the reigning barbarism, against the destruction of nature and the danger of war.

And we are sure that the comrades of the APL have an unwavering determination to define the response of the American proletariat to the attacks of the bourgeoisie, the oligarchies, and to adopt the forms of organization necessary to unify the people around their demands, to elevate the political level of the struggles of the working class, the youth and all marginalized layers and channel them into the great torrent of revolution. At the end, we reiterate our wish for every success in the work of your congress.

Long live the 5th APL Congress!
Long live Marxism-Leninism!
Long live proletarian internationalism!

For the Workers’ Party of Tunisia
The Secretary General
Hamma Hammami

Categories: International, Tunisia