Tenth Congress of the PCOF: French workers have a proud history of resistance to oppression

The American Party of Labor congratulates our comrades of the Workers’ Communist Party of France (PCOF) who recently held their tenth Congress. Below we share the fraternal greetings sent from our Party to theirs, followed by their own report on the success of this Congress and the current state of their work.

To the comrade delegates of the 10th Congress of the Workers’ Communist Party of France:

Allow us to extend our warmest fraternal greetings to this, your 10th Congress.

From the days of the Great Revolution, through the crucible of 1848, to the creation of the first proletarian dictatorship, the Paris Commune, to the anti-fascist Resistance, on to the events of May ’68, the toiling people of France have inspired the world with their revolutionary passion and militancy. The French workers have a proud history of resistance to oppression. A history that has, on many occasions, illuminated the path of decisive and determined class struggle for all to follow.

Your 10th Congress meets at a time of escalating global tensions and increasing inter-imperialist conflict. Rest assured that the children of John Brown, Frederick Douglass, John Reed, and William Z. Foster will forever stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the children of Robespierre, Saint-Just, Jean Jaures, and Maurice Thorez! Rest assured that proletarian internationalism and militant class solidarity will always defeat the imperialists and warmongers, be they in Washington, in Paris, or wherever they may raise their heads. 

We are certain that the decisions taken and the policies implemented at your 10th Congress will, on the basis of your proven commitment to Marxist-Leninism, the science of revolution and human liberation, strengthen the working and exploited masses of France for the struggles and the victories to come. And we, the American revolutionaries and Marxist-Leninists, as has so often been the case, look to you, our French comrades for inspiration and for a shining example of communist will and determination to fight the class struggle to a triumphant conclusion.

Long live the 10th Congress of the Workers’ Communist Party of France!

Long live proletarian internationalism and revolutionary friendship of the French and American workers and communists!

Onwards to the revolution and socialism!

For the Secretariat of the American Party of Labor,
Camilo Lazo,
National Chair

For several years, the guiding line of all the activity of our party has been to work to increase awareness of the necessity and the possibility of a revolutionary break with the capitalist-imperialist system and to make the party grow, since it is a necessary condition to move forward on this path.

The question of strengthening the party was at the heart of this 10th congress. Gathered to make a critical and self-critical assessment of its work, it was an important moment of sharing and appropriation of the collective experience between older comrades and those who joined the party more recently. All delegates, including the youngest, were actively involved in the discussions. These discussions took place with a spirit of responsibility, without evading any questions, but with the unanimously shared concern to move forward and make the party grow.

Concerning the national and international situation marked by the exacerbation of all the contradictions of the system, numerous questions were addressed: the sharpening of the class struggle, its radicalization in the working class and the popular masses; the rise of women’s participation in the class struggle; youth mobilizations; mobilizations against the climatic and environmental causes and damage triggered by the capitalist-imperialist system; the struggles of progressive sectors of the peasantry; the rejection of French imperialism by the peoples of
Africa, the colonial crisis and its new developments in Kanaky…

Bearers of the rich discussions that took place in the party, throughout the preparation of this congress, the delegates said they were proud of their party which has criteria, takes clear positions and knows how to defend them, as it currently does on the issue of the war in Ukraine and in its commitment in solidarity with the Palestinian people victims of the genocidal war led by Israel.

At the end of these days of intense work, but also of great militant warmth, it is the entire party which emerges strengthened, better equipped to fight the battles that come, with reinforced convictions, good ideological health and great unity. At the end of its work, the congress proceeded with the election of the central committee which will be responsible for directing the implementation of the ambitious work plan it adopted.

The new central committee would like to thank all the comrades who were involved in the preparation and holding of this congress.

He addresses a fraternal greeting to the parties and organizations of the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organization (CIPOML) who have expressed their support through their messages.

On the side of the oligarchy, it is the intensification of exploitation, the militarization of the economy and of the whole society, the rise of the reaction and the development of fascization at the level of the State and of the entire superstructure of the society, the increasingly strong engagement in “high intensity” wars… But on the side of the working class, of the popular masses of the youth and the peoples, it is the development of struggles and the accumulation of forces to resist which emerge.

Strengthened by the work and decisions of this 10th Congress, our party will continue its work to include these struggles in the fight for a break with the system and for the advent of a socialist society where the capitalist class will be dispossessed of its property of production and exchange means of goods and its capacity for unlimited harm.

It is necessary and possible. The success of our 10th congress is a call to join the ranks of our party to be more numerous to work to achieve these goals.

Paris, May 20, 2024
Le Comité central du Parti Communiste des Ouvriers de France


Categories: France, International, Statements
