“Red Cup Rebellion” nationwide solidarity actions in support of Starbucks workers

Victor Vaughn, Red Phoenix corespondent, Maryland.

Starbucks workers nationwide organized strikes and customer solidarity actions against the company’s unfair labor practices on its busiest sales day, Red Cup Day, Nov. 16. Following a year-long struggle, over 360 Starbucks stores with more than 8,500 workers have voted to unionize, seeking a voice in workplace decisions concerning scheduling, compensation, staffing, health benefits, and other job concerns. Unionized stores were encouraged to strike, while non-union locations were supported by volunteers who sought to raise awareness and support from customers, and to provide assistance to the workers in their fight for better working conditions. These actions will be continuing throughout the holiday season.

The coffee giant, despite clocking over $3.3 billion in profits last year, has refused to enter negotiations with its workers’ democratically-elected union and has waged an aggressive union-busting campaign, with tactics including threats, intimidation, and terminations. Starbucks’ status as one of the most labor-hostile corporations, with over 275 violations of federal labor laws reported, including 35 unlawful discharges, contrasts sharply with the company’s carefully-cultivated “progressive” public image.

In response, supporters have organized the “Red Cup Rebellion” movement to elevate the workers’ demands for fair treatment and representation in the workplace. Nov. 16, or “Red Cup Day,” is when Starbucks gives their signature red holiday cups to customers. It’s considered the busiest sales day of the year, and a pivotal moment for workers to strike. Solidarity events were held at non-union stores, aiming to apply pressure on Starbucks management during this crucial day of action. Participants are encouraged to gather outside stores with signs, banners, and flyers, engaging customers and passersby to shed light on Starbucks’ illegal labor practices, and for customers to flood the corporate hotline to voice support for the workers.

Members of the American Party of Labor hosted solidarity actions in California, Oregon, and Texas, during which the overwhelming majority of customers accepted the flyers and were happy to engage to learn more, professing intentions to follow through with calling the hotline to pressure Starbucks’ corporate office. The accumulating successes of the Starbucks workers nationwide — coupled with the enthusiastic support of customers — indicate that labor rights including fair practices are demanded by the proletarian masses, no matter which side of the register they stand on.

To ensure coordination, a comprehensive Action Toolkit was provided to volunteer organizers, featuring guidelines for hosting events, training participants in effective flyering, and providing additional materials. ControlShift, an organizing platform, is being used to map these actions nationwide, allowing participants to register their events, RSVP to existing events in their communities, and to receive further support.

Supporters are urged to join the cause by visiting the Starbucks Workers United website for more information on the workers’ demands and how to participate. By standing with Starbucks employees and garnering support from customers, the working classes of the United States can be instrumental in pressuring the company to uphold the values it professes, and recognize and negotiate with the Starbucks Workers United (SBWU) movement, which has continued to gain strength across the country.

Join this nationwide movement in solidarity with Starbucks workers, amplifying their call for fair treatment and democracy in the workplace.

All images courtesy of Starbucks Workers United, Twitter/@SBWorkersUnited.

Categories: Labor, U.S. News