Europeans: The response to the rise of reaction is to intensify class struggle and popular struggle!

Supporters of the French far-right National Rally (Rassemblement National – RN) party react after the polls closed during the European Parliament elections, in Paris, France, June 9, 2024. (REUTERS/Sarah Meyssonnier)

Published by the Workers’ Communist Party of France (PCOF) on June 11, 2024. Translated from French by Sofia D. for the Red Phoenix–

The results of the European elections are overshadowed by Macron’s declaration of the dissolution of the National Assembly, and that the first round of legislative elections will be held by June 30. The second round will unfold July 7, in other words, in a very short period of time, during which there will not have been time for negotiations between the parties, and among other parties for the designation of candidates. It is the media and polls which will “campaign.”

That being said, it is important to draw conclusions from the European elections, based on a single round. With nearly 50% abstention, with even higher rates [of abstention] in working class and popular communities, and the pitiful result of their candidate, Macron emerges weakened from an election in which is he invested, for which he has sloppily utilized the State, for which he has wanted to use the anniversary of D-Day to put forward the necessity of military support to Ukraine. He has dramatized the very stake of the election, with his slogan “Europe might die,” and has continually highlighted France’s leadership within the EU and the key role of the European Parliamentary group “Renew,” of which the Macronian deputies are members, in the capture of the decision of the EU. Renew’s defeat weakens Macron as well. 

To make matters worse, Macron has only fed the anger and rejection of large sectors, which do not want France to participate in the war in Ukraine against Russia; who are opposed to the to the neoliberal politics promoted by the EU and the European Commission, and their injunctions to privatize public services, to cut social spending… These rejections are expressed through abstention, voting for left-wing candidates, but the extreme right, notably “National Rally” (RN), has capitalized on this rejection just as much, predicted as the winner for months by the major media.

What’s more, Macron has participated in promoting this group, by treating the RN as his only serious political opponent, while claiming that he is the only bulwark against the RN. This has not prevented him from adopting some of their policies (like that which inspired the “immigration law”) and even their words, notably about the necessity of a “return to order,” whether it be after the uprisings in working-class neighborhoods in July 2023, or the revolt of the Kanak people: his constant cry is “Order, Order, Order!”

After having claimed that the results of the European Election would not have any influence on domestic policy, Macron has taken up a call only ever formulated by the RN: he has dissolved the National Assembly to provoke early legislative elections. He has called this “returning control to the people,” and “facing them with their responsibilities.”

He has not assumed any responsibility for the difficult situation which the masses, and workers, and the youths experience.

His decision concerning the early legislative elections is, in the first place, a political “coup,” aiming to retake the initiative, and to evade the consequences of his electoral defeat. This is also a “wager” to get the delegates of his own movement elected, or those of the right, against the far-right candidates – of RN and their allies – gambling on the “republican reflex,” which has already served to get him elected. This is another way of imposing a short term coalition with the right, which, for the moment, is leveraging this situation to get their laws passed. As for “facing them with their responsibilities,” those right-wing politicians responsible are attracted by an alliance with the RN.

In other words the coalition, which Macron prepares to try to gain a majority in parliament, will in any case take on a more and more reactionary character, and the policy that it implements will be directed against the working class, the laborers, the youth, the immigrants, and the people.

This means that it is necessary to intensify struggle and resistance.

The successive mobilizations since Macron became president, indeed also on social questions, questions of democracy, matters of solidarity with the struggles of the people, continued throughout the entire “European campaign,” and will continue after it. The struggle against the rise of reaction and militarization, against fascism, for wages, for the defense of public services, for the defense of the environment, against polluting monopolies, against imperialist war, for solidarity with the Palestinian people, and for the people who struggle for their national and social emancipation, are but a few of the issues of struggle which the forces of women and men, of young and old all share, and already lead.

This is what we must rely on to resist the reactionary offensive. There are the axes which our Party takes into account to, especially, determine its position on the upcoming legislative elections.

Paris, June 10, 2024
Workers’ Communist Party of France

Categories: France, International